The Power of One Step
Latricia Giles speaking at the unveiling of the Climate Justice Mural
Hello Everyone!
In case we haven’t met yet, my name is Latricia Giles, and I am the Residential Climate and Equity Program Manager here at C3. In this blog I’d like to share a little bit more about myself, how this past year has gone, where we are headed, and how you can join us by taking just one step towards action.
First Things First. What Does a Residential Climate and Equity Program Manager Do?
As many of you know, our mission here at C3 is to catalyze climate action at the community level through collaboration, programs, and advocacy that directly reduce climate pollution and elevate the climate leadership of Virginia communities.
As such, a lot of my focus has been on how to engage and empower our community to not only become more aware of the growing climate crisis we are facing, but also help equip community members with the knowledge to take actions in their own homes and lives. By doing that we hope to advance a culture of climate action that allows households to reduce their energy and transportation pollution and expenses, while cultivating advocates to promote just and equitable climate solutions for all.
What’s Been Going On?
Climate Change does not care about race, class, gender, age, or sexuality, but it does require us all to dismantle those systemic barriers if we want to enact change. Last year, C3 launched a series of programs that have been centered and grounded with this thought in mind.
One of the amazing programs that we were able to launch was our High School Internship Program, Climate Justice Summer Bootcamp, and Climate Justice Mural. It was amazing to see local youth leaders taking a stand against climate injustices and working to create conversations and solutions to combat our climate crisis. Our teens and campers were just a breath of fresh air to work and learn with and helped shape a better tomorrow for our community, nation, and world.
Energy Clinic at Belmont Park
Another initiative that we were able to put on this year is our series of community engagement events called Energy Clinics. In partnership with the City of Charlottesville’s Climate Protection Program and the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP), C3 hosted Energy Clinics events at various City parks and locations this fall/winter and is planning to continue doing so during this spring and summer. The Energy Clinics program is aimed at helping homeowners and renters save money, reduce their energy bills, and help us reach our community climate goals by connecting City households with public funding set aside for income-qualifying, seniors, and/or veterans residents. During these events ( we like “clinics”), attendees also learn what are the main funding streams that are available for energy efficiency improvements like new heating/cooling systems, attic insulation, and more. And with substantial funding opportunities available, do not miss your chance to learn more about our clinics and how to save energy and the planet!
Our climate goals also depend on us moving together and getting around in a cleaner way. We must improve our transit system and make public transportation more accessible and equitable throughout our community. For that reason, in partnership with Move2Health Equity, C3 also plans to engage with Charlottesville/Albemarle residents to discuss the benefits of better transit, what would it take to make it a desirable means of transportation in our community, and how to join our voices to make our ambitions come true.
What’s Next and How Can You Join In?
There is power in every single step and the great news is you are not alone. C3 believes in the transformative power of a community and we are here to help you. If you are looking for a simple way to immediately make a difference, please check out our Accessible, Clean Transit - ACT on Climate! campaign letter today! Also, please take a few moments to sign and share it with friends and family.
Even though 2021 was a great year, I am expecting greater in 2022! We all have an opportunity to use our time, talents, and treasures to help reduce the effects of climate change right here in our community. There is room for us all in this movement, and here at C3, we have many opportunities for you to join in.
Not sure where to begin? Want to learn more about climate change/justice and how to advocate? Want to learn how to schedule an Energy Clinic at your church, school, community center? Feel free to email us at or simply schedule a time to speak with us.
In community,
Latricia Giles