Act on Climate!
Accessible, Clean Transportation
Transportation is a central part of our quality of life, connecting us to essential services, economic opportunity, recreation, and each other. Transportation infrastructure impacts every aspect of our lives: our ability to care for ourselves, provide for our families, and achieve our goals. It also impacts our climate.
Emissions from vehicles are the leading source of carbon emissions, both in our community and in Virginia as a whole, so we must reduce emissions from our cars. The best way for cities to do their part is by providing robust, efficient, and equitable transit systems. That’s why C3 launched our ACT on Climate! campaign.
Building a strong transit system is not easy, but it’s also not a mystery—other cities are leading the way. It’s time for communities across the Commonwealth to join that leadership!
Explore C3’s Resources
Check out C3’s transportation equity resources to learn more more about how the quality of our community’s public transportation impacts every aspect of our lives and how C3 is taking action.
Read C3’s Transit Equity and Climate Report
Improving our transit system is essential to extending opportunity and access to all, breaking the cycle of poverty that burdens many underserved households. Our Transit Equity and Climate: Moving to a Cleaner Future presents a roadmap for improving our transit system. Reducing the expenses, pollution, and hassle of car-dependent communities also helps us achieve our climate goals.
Explore Transit Advocacy Tool for Virginia
The Virginia Transit Tool was initiated by the C3 and designed by the Center for Neighborhood Technologies to provide data and metrics that support community efforts to organize and advocate for better transit for residents and businesses and contribute to an improved environment. The online tool assembles data and information about local public transportation and fills gaps in knowledge about service and its impact.
See how your Transit System Stacks Up!
2-minute demonstration video
Disclaimer: the maps and information provided offer a high-level look at the performance of transit systems across Virginia. An important share of the data included in this tool is self-reported by transit agencies including On-Time Performance and the number of bus stops. It is also not meant to replace community feedback and ground-truthing. Information about bus stop safety and ease of pedestrian access, for example, is not contemplated by this tool.
Add Your Voice to C3’s Letter to City Council
The decisions we make today about transportation and land use could propel the City of Charlottesville toward carbon neutrality or lock us into adverse transportation and pollution patterns for many years to come.
We urge Charlottesville to address our community’s transportation, climate, equity, and health goals simultaneously and with long-standing solutions that will move our city toward a cleaner and more just future.